We are excited to announce the launch of MYHackathon 2024 Cohort 1,
Sesi Temu Anuar Johor Bahru di Dewan Sultan ISkandar,UTM (3 September 2023)
We move forward together towards a gleaming future!
Visit to Pusat Penyelidikan Kebombaan (PUSPEK) or Fire Research Centre,
Bengkel Libat Urus for...
We warmly welcome the delegates from the University Brunei Darussalam (UBD).
Exploring Collaboration Opportunities: A2Tech and MPOB Unite for ...
Congrats A2Tech Sdn Bhd on being selected in PETRONAS FutureTech 3.0 and...
Demonstration of X3CATOR Robot at PTP Gelang Patah, Johor.