Your Eyes in the Sky


Semi-Autonomus Ariel Robot


IKAROS is an indoor confined space inspection aerial robot which aims to inspect critical confined indoor structures. IKAROS is designed to perform semi-autonomous inspection which makes it different from conventional aerial inspection robots. It is equipped with an on board sensing and computing capabilities to fly autonomously in confined spaces. The robot has 4 high power brushless motors for the propulsion system. It carries depth stereo cameras to create accurate real-time 3D mapping of the confined space. 

To execute the heavy computations of mapping and inspection assessment IKAROS is equipped with an on-board computer. The operatorcan give high level mission commands and record real-time live video and do mapping semi autonomously. The robot can also be teleoperated by a portable control box that comes with the robot.


IKAROS has numerous arieal applications suitable for companies involved in construction or maintenance.


Inspect structures remotely with IKAROS in structures which would be dangerous to inspect in person.


Monitor progress of counstruction projects such as highways, buildings etc.


Inspect areas that are either too vast or to dangerous to inspect in person.

Special Features of IKAROS


Can be programed to operate autonomously.

High Payload

Able to carry a maximum payload of 2KG.

Obstacle Avoidence 

Automatically avoids obstacle while in flight.


A efficient and cost effective way to execute ariel tasks. 

Let's Keep in Touch

If you need more information on our products, please feel free to get in touch .
A2Tech Sdn Bhd 
Level 2, Block B, V01, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
(+60)14 575 7170

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