We are excited to announce the launch of MYHackathon 2024 Cohort 1,
We are excited to announce the launch of MYHackathon 2024 Cohort 1,
Sesi Temu Anuar Johor Bahru di Dewan Sultan ISkandar,UTM (3 September 2023)
We move forward together towards a gleaming future!
Visit to Pusat Penyelidikan Kebombaan (PUSPEK) or Fire Research Centre,
Bengkel Libat Urus for...
We warmly welcome the delegates from the University Brunei Darussalam (UBD).
Exploring Collaboration Opportunities: A2Tech and MPOB Unite for ...
Congrats A2Tech Sdn Bhd on being selected in PETRONAS FutureTech 3.0 and...
Demonstration of X3CATOR Robot at PTP Gelang Patah, Johor.
In this roadshow we are exposed to several activities such as seminars...